General information about company

Scrip code534623
NSE Symbol
MSEI Symbol
Name of the companyJupiter Infomedia Limited
Type of meetingAGM
Date of the meeting / last day of receipt of postal ballot forms (in case of Postal Ballot)22-09-2022
Start time of the meeting11:00 AM
End time of the meeting11:35 AM

Scrutinizer Details

Name of the ScrutinizerMs Bhavyata S Acharya
Firms NameSiroya and BA Associates
Membership NumberA25734
Date of Board Meeting in which appointed29-07-2022
Date of Issuance of Report to the company23-09-2022

Voting results

Record date15-09-2022
Total number of shareholders on record date4984
No. of shareholders present in the meeting either in person or through proxy
a) Promoters and Promoter group0
b) Public0
No. of shareholders attended the meeting through video conferencing
a) Promoters and Promoter group4
b) Public17
No. of resolution passed in the meeting6
Disclosure of notes on voting results


Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special)Ordinary
Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution?No
Description of resolution consideredTo receive, consider and adopt Standalone and Consolidated Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2022 including the Audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2022 and the Statement of Profit and Loss and the Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.
CategoryMode of votingNo. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes polled on outstanding shares No. of votes – in favourNo. of votes – against% of votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
(1)(2)(3)=[(2)/(1)]*100 (4)(5)(6)=[(4)/(2)]*100(7)=[(5)/(2)]*100
Promoter and Promoter GroupE-Voting73300007330000100733000001000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Public- InstitutionsE-Voting0000000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)000000
Public- Non InstitutionsE-Voting26900001705986.3419170596299.99880.0012
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Whether resolution is Pass or Not.Yes
Disclosure of notes on resolution

Details of Invalid Votes

CategoryNo. of Votes
Promoter and Promoter Group
Public Insitutions
Public - Non Insitutions


Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special)Ordinary
Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution?No
Description of resolution consideredTo appoint a Director in place of Mr. Umesh Modi (DIN: 01570180), who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment
CategoryMode of votingNo. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes polled on outstanding shares No. of votes – in favourNo. of votes – against% of votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
(1)(2)(3)=[(2)/(1)]*100 (4)(5)(6)=[(4)/(2)]*100(7)=[(5)/(2)]*100
Promoter and Promoter GroupE-Voting73300007330000100733000001000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Public- InstitutionsE-Voting0000000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)000000
Public- Non InstitutionsE-Voting26900001705986.341917049010899.93670.0633
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Whether resolution is Pass or Not.Yes
Disclosure of notes on resolution

Details of Invalid Votes

CategoryNo. of Votes
Promoter and Promoter Group
Public Insitutions
Public - Non Insitutions


Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special)Ordinary
Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution?No
Description of resolution consideredTo appoint M/s. Ladha Singhal & Associates, Chartered Accountants (ICAI Firm Registration No. 120241W) as Statutory Auditors of the Company and fix their remuneration.
CategoryMode of votingNo. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes polled on outstanding shares No. of votes – in favourNo. of votes – against% of votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
(1)(2)(3)=[(2)/(1)]*100 (4)(5)(6)=[(4)/(2)]*100(7)=[(5)/(2)]*100
Promoter and Promoter GroupE-Voting73300007330000100733000001000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Public- InstitutionsE-Voting0000000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)000000
Public- Non InstitutionsE-Voting26900001705986.341917049010899.93670.0633
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Whether resolution is Pass or Not.Yes
Disclosure of notes on resolution

Details of Invalid Votes

CategoryNo. of Votes
Promoter and Promoter Group
Public Insitutions
Public - Non Insitutions


Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special)Special
Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution?Yes
Description of resolution consideredTo approve payment of remuneration to Mr. Umesh Modi, (DIN : 01570180) Managing Director and designated as Chairman and Managing Director (“CMD’’) of the Company w.e.f. August 1, 2022 for the period of 3 years
CategoryMode of votingNo. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes polled on outstanding shares No. of votes – in favourNo. of votes – against% of votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
(1)(2)(3)=[(2)/(1)]*100 (4)(5)(6)=[(4)/(2)]*100(7)=[(5)/(2)]*100
Promoter and Promoter GroupE-Voting73300007330000100733000001000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Public- InstitutionsE-Voting0000000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)000000
Public- Non InstitutionsE-Voting26900001705986.341917049010899.93670.0633
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Whether resolution is Pass or Not.Yes
Disclosure of notes on resolution

Details of Invalid Votes

CategoryNo. of Votes
Promoter and Promoter Group
Public Insitutions
Public - Non Insitutions


Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special)Special
Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution?Yes
Description of resolution consideredTo approve payment of remuneration to Mrs. Manisha Modi, (DIN : 02057625) Whole Time Director and designated as Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer (“ED & CFO”) of the Company w.e.f. August 1, 2022 for the period of 3 years.
CategoryMode of votingNo. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes polled on outstanding shares No. of votes – in favourNo. of votes – against% of votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
(1)(2)(3)=[(2)/(1)]*100 (4)(5)(6)=[(4)/(2)]*100(7)=[(5)/(2)]*100
Promoter and Promoter GroupE-Voting73300007330000100733000001000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Public- InstitutionsE-Voting0000000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)000000
Public- Non InstitutionsE-Voting26900001705986.341917049010899.93670.0633
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Whether resolution is Pass or Not.Yes
Disclosure of notes on resolution

Details of Invalid Votes

CategoryNo. of Votes
Promoter and Promoter Group
Public Insitutions
Public - Non Insitutions


Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special)Ordinary
Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution?Yes
Description of resolution consideredTo approve related party transaction with Netlink Solutions (India) Limited, a material subsidiary of the company.
CategoryMode of votingNo. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes polled on outstanding shares No. of votes – in favourNo. of votes – against% of votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled
(1)(2)(3)=[(2)/(1)]*100 (4)(5)(6)=[(4)/(2)]*100(7)=[(5)/(2)]*100
Promoter and Promoter GroupE-Voting7330000000000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)000000
Public- InstitutionsE-Voting0000000
Postal Ballot (if applicable)000000
Public- Non InstitutionsE-Voting26900001705986.341917049010899.93670.0633
Postal Ballot (if applicable)
Whether resolution is Pass or Not.Yes
Disclosure of notes on resolutionTextual Information(1)

Text Block

Textual Information(1)

4 promoters/promoters group members holding 73,30,000 equity shares have inadvertently and erroneously casted votes in favour of the ordinary resolution placed at item no. 6 of the AGM Notice and later on withdrawn the same and to be treated as not casted. Therefor said votes are mentioned in Invalid votes.

Details of Invalid Votes

CategoryNo. of Votes
Promoter and Promoter Group
Public Insitutions
Public - Non Insitutions